Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Housing: nov 30 2010

By al-Din on December 1, 2010 10:03 PM

Najib wants the super storey building based mainly on (projected) economic returns and somewhat add image to his lacklusture premiership.

Taking PNB's word that the mega project is going to make money (much later) but is it a high ranking investment now with due consideration of the oversupply of rental shop and office space? If at all why a superstructure?

Understandably PNB is under the directive. All of them agreed. Ikut telunjuk, jaga periok nasi.

Why the over-concentration of supertsructures in KL? Is it that's all Malaysia? There is a moral issue here. Don't the ordinary people in the non-urban areas require improved infrastructures? The returns may not be economically tangible but people will enjoy a healthier and better quality of life.

Perlu diingat itu bukan duit PNB tetapi modal dari jutaan amanah pelabur dan ramai dari kampong. Duit desa untuk kemewahan orang bandar! Saksamakah?

Go and immerse yourself in Sarawak, Sabah and the Orang Asli dwellings you will cry for your egocentric, money-crazed misjudgement.

Who would be the potential occupiers of the 100 1Tower?

PNB - 6 floors
CIMB - 5 floors
Sime Darby - 4 floors
Felda - 3 floors
Permata Malaysia - 1 floor
MAS - 2 floors
YTL - 1 floor
Genting Gp - 1 floor
Ekuinas - 1 floor
Others ...

Friday, November 26, 2010

avoiding a nuclear war: nov 27 2010

al-Deen amin said...

The big powers use proxies to fight wars and fight them on foreign lands. A direct confrontation between giants will be catastrophic because neither will submit and resorting to nuclear weapons is more likely.

In the shoes of the N Koreans, for years they have been harassed militarily, economically and politically by the west via S Korean, and their allies.

What appropriate time to vent their anger now - the west is preoccupied with Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, national bankruptcies and the currency war.

And N Korean is still at fault!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

have you been asked to give bribe? nov 25 2010

Anonymous said...

Dolah, an Orang Asli told me yesterday that he was stopped by police at Simpang Pulai-CH road. The police said that his Honda motorcyle has loose plastic covers here and there - tail lights, fender etc.

Dolah was asked to pay RM300 compound but said he has only about RM150. And that was the amount he gave to the police.

I told him that was too much and should asked for less say RM20 being very poor. He said to the police that "kita sesama Islam" to bargain but to no avail.

The ignorant, poor and powerless are easy meat to con. The amount is small but to them RM100 is about 10 times its value.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

proton dalam era teknologi hijau: 9 nov 2010

By al-Din on November 9, 2010 2:22 PM

Menakjubkan. Syabas Proton. Nak booking Saga Elektrik!

Sementara ini saya menggunakan basikal elektrik kemasjid atau kedai berdekatan. Seminggu sekali charge. BE import dari Cina dan dulu harganya RM1700 dikedai. Semenjak berBE 3 tahun disini ia bertambah popular dengan berbagai jenama dan bentuk digunakan di kawasan Tronoh-Batu Gajah. Jalan agak rata dan kenderaan tidak sibuk memudahkan penggunaan BE. Sesuai untuk yang mengah atau lemah - tidak perlu berkayuh! Tidak bising dan bersih untuk alam.

Dengan mileage/gelen berlipat ganda teringin pula kerajaan menaikan harga minyak berlipat ganda!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

dah masuk ... lembik ... keluar balik: nov 6 2010

Anonymous said...

nak main surok-surok sobab tulah pejabat2 di putrajaya semuo berdinding ajo, tak tau apo dibuek dalam tu. dulunyo nampak sepo kek mejo, ni mejo pun tak nampak apo laei orangeh.

alah nak canggih konon topi susah bonar nak cari pegawai. dahlah bilek dalam bilek kono pakai kad pulak. banyak ko rahsio atau duit nak surokan. tak sodar ko yang duit cukai guno bayar gaji tu duit rakyat!

cubo poi komontorian pertanian, buku dalam perpustakaan nak baco pun tak do. sebolom nak pindah dari bangunan lamo (Jln Swettenham)buku2 lamo hancur dek hujan/banjir maupun bubuk. inilah kojo orang kerajaan. golap maso dopan.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

european union is being absurd: nov 3 2010

Anonymous said...
democracy is self-defined as you deem fit to your liking and disliking (by others).

be bold like myanmar, to hell with the world. my country, my way.

be bold like iran. nuke them.

a whimp of a 1malaysia castrated by umno, primadona, pondans (see tv), suckers, non-patriots, al-juburi ...

france once the epitome of freedom sent a-packing the Romas, (gypsies) the black sheep of europe back to romania.

germany said the immigrants (mainly turks) don't speak (german) and social integration failed.

the swiss say minarets are rockets.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

menggalas galas dan batu sapi: oct 26 2010

al-Deen said...

Tolak dan campur di Galas:

Pas Umno
Adun dahulu + -
Serambi Mekah + -
Orang Asli terbiar - +
Profesional calun + -
Kemelut istana + -
Royalti minyak + -
Undian bangsa lain + -
Kepimpinan - -
Kekuatan kempen + -
Bersih sogok + -
Isu balak/tanah - +

Jelas yang lebih campur dipihak mana!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

melbourne experience: hospital in the home

By al-Din on October 12, 2010 10:55 PM

Sixty years ago the people of the Federation of Malaya was served by 57 hospitals. If there was ambulance service at all it would be meagre. Taking the effective radius of each hospital to be 12 miles meaning that the rural populations were not or hardly getting health service. There was preponderance of Chinese and Indians admissions then but the Malays had a natural reluctance even to get hospital treatment.

Nowadays with the superb transportation and communication systems, the numerous hospitals and ambulance services can serve wider areas and more people. Even then there is a neglected segment of the population, pockets of Orang Asli who are less mobile in the off-road jungles not getting the barest health care services whatmore ambulance privelege.

Luckily for Dolah, my OA friend has a motorbike and was able to send his sick wife to hospital. When the wife was critically ill the ambulance sent her from CHighlands to Ipoh GH. Dolah accompanied her but had to spent nights along the ward corridors. Somebody conned his watch one night. His wife died and was buried in an isolated belukar graveyard by a stream. So much for our Muslim original people!

Postcript: Dolah's hut-house got burned down some months ago. He had requested for aid from JHEOA but to no avail. I too had reported the matter.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meritocracy: Aug 30 2010

By al-Din on August 31, 2010 12:12 AM

Islam, kuda tunggangan.

Berkaitan dengan posting Tun sebelumnya ia-itu:

"10. Sama juga dengan parti politik yang meraih sokongan menggunakan agama Islam. Di Malaysia, orang Melayu kesemuanya beragama Islam. Terdapat juga sebilangan besar kaum India Muslim di Malaysia tetapi mereka ini tidak berperanan dalam parti politik yang dikatakan parti Islam ini. Dengan mengguna Islam, parti ini sedar yang ianya hanya untuk menarik secara eksklusif sokongan orang Melayu. Niat mereka hanya untuk meraih sokongan orang Melayu dan bukan untuk mempertahan kedudukan orang Melayu. Mereka ini boleh dikatakan bukan bersifat perkauman pro-Melayu. Tetapi mereka mengambil kesempatan politik ke atas orang Melayu."

Ada pemimpin politik bukan hanya sanggup menggunakan nama Islam tetapi menghina Islam. Katanya dia berlaku sebegitu kerana Allah pun ada mencarut, gangster dsb. Penyokong2nya berdiam diri seolah bersetuju kenyataan dibuat adalah mainan untuk melawan parti politik musuh. Bila bekerjasama dengan DAP dan PKR idealisma Islam terbenam. Tidak dengar langsung berkenaan hudud. Masih lagi penyokong2 berdiam diri.

Bayangan apa akan terjadi apabila bukan Islam memerintah sudah berlaku di P. Pinang dan Selangor. Mereka masuk masjid. Mereka menggunakan Islam atau simbol Islam sebagai kuda tunggangan untuk meraih sokongan dan undi PRU13.

Pernah maharaja Mongol, Genghis Khan (~1170-1227) selepas membakar Bukhara, Samarkand memberi ucapan 'Punishment of God' dimimbar masjid, walaupun ia bukan Islam:

"O people, know that you have committed great sins and that the great ones among you have committed these sins! If you ask me what proof I have for these words, I say it is because I am the punishment of God. If you have not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."

Dengan kehendak Allah, keturunan beliau yang memerintah Moghul Empire, India menganuti Islam.

Politikus kafir yang memberi ucapan dikawasan masjid tentulah berkenaan politik bukan hal agama. Ada yang menyangka yang mereka mula berjinak dengan Islam. Sebenarnya mereka adalah opportunist menggunakan Islam atau simbol Islam sebagai kuda tunggangan. Penyokong2 muslimin masih berdiam diri kerana hal itu disifatkan sebagai sandiwara politik.

Meritocracy: Aug 30 2010

By al-Din on August 30, 2010 10:53 PM

Nazir, the highest paid CEO is anachronistically ambitious, a megalomaniac. Why and who on earth put Golden Hope and Guthrie under SD? Now SD has a super-megalomaniac as the chairman. PNB will have to revise its ASB dividends for the billions of losses.

Now, Nazir wants to up his meritocracy at Oxford in Islamic Banking. He can afford to do that since childhood to be English educated. In some months time he can speak louder on meritocracy, bastardization the 'Father of NEP' that has placed him (and Malays) in good steed.

Apparently, his sibling also has a problem how to handle meritocracy especially for the Malays. The son of the 'Father of NEP' thinks that everybody have reached to their level of wealth and knowledge - talking about high income, (un)mastery of English, own-race disinclination etc. Are they both racist or non-racist?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

internet guarantee: 19 july 2010

By al-Din on July 22, 2010 11:33 PM

Tun, jangan censor Dr. Mahathir!

Dr. Mahathir

hujahmu belati
mengucur darah
ke telinga amerika

akalmu suria
menerangi jagat
dunia ketiga

ketika kritikan
semakin kejam
kau memilih

ketika ringgit
kau memilih dollar
sandaran tambatan
kerana kau tahu
hanya amerika
sentiasa kepalang

~ putrajaya 2001 ~
(Imlan Adabi. 2006. Khalayak Sejagat. DBP)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

dinanisme politik, kepenggunaan dan pilihan raya: 16 July 2010

al-Din-amin said...

Tak berapa lama dulu, semasa kempen ada pemimpin umno ditumbok oleh penyokong pembangkang. Selepas rasionalisasi subsidi ini beranikah umno kempen untuk ahli baru di kampung2? Tak kena penumbuk mau pun dikejar dengan parang panjang! Oleh itu bilangan ahli baru tidak akan bertambah dalam umno.

Rasionalisasi subsidi adalah untuk kebaikan jangka panjang kata najib. Sedarkah ia langkah yang paling baik untuk jangka panjang ialah ia digantikan sekarang juga!

Orang yang tahu hendak tenggelam kerana kesalahan sendiri tidak memperdulikan apa2 asalkan ia selamat walaupun negara tergadai.

Berdikari - rakyat melayu mesti bersedia keperingkat republik. Pembaziran sejak berzaman inilah kesudahannya untuk rakyat biasa dan negara.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

merindui welfare officer zaman dulu kala: 6 julai 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Ya, generasi sekarang dan yang akan datang tidak disambut oleh bidan kampung dan mengalami hidup didesa yang penuh dengan serba kekurangan.

Bila menjadi pemimpin samaada politik atau kerajaan mereka tidak menghayati kemiskinan hanya mengenalinya sebagai statistik sahaja.

Dimana Gunung Zakat yang lunggukan semenjak Parameswara, 1403. Sekiranya harta zakat diagihkan dengan sistem yang baik tidak ada yang miskin. Mengapa jabatan agama tidak selaraskan perkara zakat ini? Adakah ia milik sultan?

Begitu juga dengan kutipan hari Jumaat di masjid. Kutipan melebihi RM1000/bulan tetapi wangnya tidak diuruskan dengan baik untuk kebajikan qariah dan kaum muslimin.

Badan zakat wilayah KL beraksi sebagai korporat dengan bangunan tersergah di Kg Baru. Pernah saya komen bila mereka menghantar kad hari raya mengatakan usah membazir. Pada tahun itu 10,000 kad dikirimkan bermakna lebih RM10,000 membazir. Duit siapa digunakan?

Live simply so that others simply live.

11:49 AM
Pembahas Sustainable Living Institute, antara lain, mengulas:

"Ya, generasi sekarang dan yang akan datang tidak disambut oleh bidan kampung dan mengalami hidup didesa yang penuh dengan serba kekurangan."

Senario lahir dan membesar di kampung pada zaman saya:

1. Disambut bidan kampung. Bidan tradisional pra-latihan perbidanan dan pra-bidan kerajaan;

2. Dilahirkan akan di rumah. Tak ada jagaan pre- atau post-natal moden;

3. Potong uri pakai pisau yang diperbuat daripada buluh;

4. Ibu makan ikan talang bakar, lada tumbuk dan ulam temu. Bertungku dan derdiang. Hebat, atas rumah kayu bertap nipah atau rumbia, kita buat fireplace;

5. Banyak pantang larang. Mandi manda atas rumah sampai 40 hari. Tempat air mandian bertakung di bawah rumah, diletakkan mengkuang -- kononnya untuk menghalau hantu langsuyar (langsiar, kata orang Kedah);

6. Bayi ramai tak sihat. Dua minggu belum tentu buka mata. Bila celek, kena pula sakit mata. Tahi mata berkerak sampai tak boleh buka. Kana dilembapkan baru boleh buka;

7. Kadar kematian bayi dan ibu tinggi;

8. Tidak ada rejim suntikan lawan penyakit. Yang hidup terpaksa deritai bermacam penyakit dan bina ketahanan (immunity) secara natural;

9. Bila mula makan, diadadakan majlis "buka mulut" dengan diketuai oleh ahli kelurga yang pandai atau yang petah bercakap supaya bayi bila besar juga cerdik dan petah bercakap. Bayi disuapkan pisang rebus atau bakar; dan

10. Kalau selalu sakit, nama akan ditukar kerana tidak serasi. Sebab itulah orang zaman saya ada dua atau tiga nama. Nama saya di kampung Abdul Halim sebab Abdul Kadir dianggap tidak serasi.

Terima kasih.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

slave labouring again: 27 June 2010

Anonymous said...

We have one agung and 3 palaces! Everytime a new agung comes the palaces are overhauled costing more millions. Just because the rakyat clamour the royalty when the Allah and singh is king issues arised the country have to cough up RM800. Loyalty is not cheap!

Sunday, June 27, 2010 9:18:00 PM

Friday, June 25, 2010

judi bola: 25. 6. 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

Haram legal or illegal money floating in the country and partly 'consumed' by Muslims because such monies go into the national coffer used by all.

The money volume generated run into many billions as such the whole country is bloated with sinful income. For the Muslims, who bear the dosa? Everybody especially leader-politicians.

Legalised income:
Genting Casino
Alcohol - restaurants, shops
4 ekor - Sports Toto
Lumba kuda
Betting - judi bola?

Illegal income:
Human trafficking

VOA has brought about much prostitution (by China dolls especially)and pimping. In a way VOA (al beit visa payment collected)is the mother of all pimps and the ministers who support VOA are part of it.

So what's adding judi bola to the list! Money, money maa.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Melayu kemana 2 : June 18, 2010

By al-Din on June 19, 2010 5:08 PM

Utusan Melayu (19 Jun) menyebut VC beberapa universiti menyambut baik teguran Muhyiddin berkenaan isu moral. Tanggungjawab VC memang besar sebagai pemimpin institusi yang mengeluarkan para intelektual. Saban hari perlu membuat keputusan tepat menghala kemajuan.

Walaupun begitu ada diantara VC bercakap tak serupa bikin. Masihkah ia menyimpan professor dato' yang pernah ditangkap basah (tersiar dalam surat khabar) sebagai dekan kampus cawangan? Apakah tauladan yang hendak ditonjolkan kapada masyarakat? Ia mahir berselindung disebalik pangkat, politik dan tenggeknya.

Penuntut dari Italy yang menjadi mangsa raba dato' itu terpaksa balik negeri awal. Malu.

Sebagai VC sepatutnya lebih arif atas tindakan yang sesuai dikenakan kapada pesalah-laku terutamanya yang memimpin tidak kira samaada dari satu kampong. Rakyat membayar cukai. Ibu-bapa mengaharapkan anak dididik mengikut tauladan yang baik.

Walk the talk VC.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Konservatif Britain: 14 Mai 2010

Anonymous said...

Serambi Mekah
Pantai Cinta Berahi
Istana merekah
Berdaulat lagi?

N Aziz murshidul
Serban berjela
Bertambah biol
Dihantam Kickdefella

Friday, April 30, 2010

Misteri kehilangan dua blok padang minyak: 30 Apr 2010

al-Din-amin said...

Kisah si LucaiLah ini tidak habis. Satu demi satu terbongkar. LuncaiLah pandai main silap mata, depan main agama dan imam, belakang main derhaka negara menggadaikan Blok L dan M, Batu Putih, RM178 billion duit Petronas dll.

Tentu dia bukan main seorang sekurang2nya anak, menantu dan kroninya terlibat. Wisma Putra dan pegawai2 tertinggi kerajaan beliau turut bertanggung jawab. Mereka patut dihadapkan kemahkamah. Adakan Royal Commission, MACC ambil tindakan. Laporan polis sudah dibuat?

Bahana kedurjanaan ini akan di tanggung oleh generasi2 sehingga akhir dunia. Sumpahan rakyat keatas penderhaka2 negara tidak akan putus2. LuncaiLah memang tebal muka.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Iran dan Malaysia: Apr 21 2010

By al-Din on April 23, 2010 2:52 AM

Reading between the lines ...

Tun's no. 1 and no. 6 (last) statements are repetitious on purpose (I guess) as if to seek confirmation of the truthfulness, an element of doubt perhaps. Each statement is not only longish but disjointed having two opposing or yes-and-no sub-statements.

Moreover, each need to be read in one breath (go)and at least a couple of times in order to ascertain what it's trying to say. There is a subtle message in the blurry blurbs. That is how I interpret it.

Well, Tun knows better with nuances of languages both written and oral.

Whatever it is, there is a case of flip-flop here of which the newspaper reports seem to bear more of the brunt. PM don't lie (!). But, could there be misreporting on such an important and sensitive international and national issue?

The collateral damage is yet to be seen very soon in the P94 by-election.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Contempt: Apr 1 2010

By al-Din on April 3, 2010 11:29 PM

Brother Matthias Chang is a true champion for the Palestinians. In the recent Palestinian Viva convoy he and many others spent weeks of hardship in Rafah in the Egyptian border to bring medicine and food supplies to Gaza. Risking his life, spending time, energy and money were nothing for the cause of justice and survival of the Palestinians.

Here we eat, sleep, enjoy and talk. Worst some blokes call him names and said he deserve it. Ask yourself what have you done or what he has done to you.

I don't know what transpired during the court case. Considering what Brother Matthias has done for the country during Tun's time and with the Palestinian cause the judge in fact must give due respect to him and afford some leeway. If at all why slam him such maximum or heavy penalty?

Long Live Brother Matthias Chang. The Palestinians and brother Muslims will pray for your wellbeing. Allah-hu-Akbar.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ada lagi yang guna telaga dan tandas alam semesta: Apr 2 2010

Indahdesa said...

Leaders nowadays are not kampong-grounded and what more kampong-bred. They are born in towns. This means that they don't know the real life, the asam-garam of kampong life. It's difficult to convince them that such difficult life of deprivations still exist in this country.

The jaundice attitude is that in order to make the kampong people happy - easy, just give them the minimal especially before elections. To them, they are just statistics, faceless and voiceless. Yes, they are defenseless people!

The government should examine and compare the development budget per capita or per unit area for urban, semi-urban and rural/interior areas and apportion funds in a fair manner. Upgrading and development of rural/interior areas should be done in an ever continous way as such as in the towns.

The government machinery and systems for rural-interior development must be re-examined, modernised for efficient delivery.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Contempt: Apr 1 2010

By al-Din on April 2, 2010 12:08 PM

Is there such a thing as ego-meter for everyone of us. I believe there is. It is but a subjective one. It varies from individual to individual depending on age, upbringing, genetics, education, exposure, circumstances and other variables. The ego-meter reading will fluctuate within certain range over the years. Even for an individual it may vary within the day depending on health condition, temperament, events in the past hour or days.

A good and level-headed judge must already set his or her ego-meter reading to a stable and professional level so that the myriad of influencing factors do not cloud in passing a fair judgement in any case. A judge is trained to do that within the law and norms and yet in a humanistic way.

Again being human, we are subject to tendencies. One has to live with conscience.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

PM: MEB utk manafaat semua: Mar 30 2010

Indahdesa said...

MEB is a farce. Orang Aslis are earning below RM100 a month. The pribumis of Sarawak and Sabah in the interior are eaning RM300 and so are the hardcore poor. The poor are getting RM500. Improve their lot before leaping to RM4500pm (why quote in USD? Yuan rules in 10 years time). The Orang Asli don’t even own land!

Growth by all means but let it be fulfilling, sustainable and humanistic. Be a dream chaser but let not the dream chase you.

MEB is unnatural and virtual. The world is not fair. Greed rules. Might is right. Corruption reeks. In any place and society in the world there exists economic stratification. Alleviate the poor and weak and try reduce the economic gaps. The law of averages don’t work here. Whats the use of statistics when 20% of the people are super rich and 1% are supernumerical rich?

Middle income trap. So what? There will be always middle incomers. That’s their acrument based on skills, education, opportunities, inputs and preferred lifestyle.

Artificial forcing for high income bracket promotes get rich quick attitude, pillaging, corruption, destruction, societal breakdown and ills.

Rebranding and copycat IMalaysia is the work of a weak mind. When challenged and scrutenised it reveals the Zionist connection. Like all copycats they must go.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

PM: MEB utk manafaat semua: Mar 30 2010

al-Din-amin said...

Syabas Datuk kerana gigih mengenengahkan isu2 kecetekan polisi dan pemikiran pemimpin2 kita dalam memperjuangkan hak Melayu. Entah apa boleh buat - mereka dah lali, pekak, sombong, terpengaruh nak dengar buah fikiran lain.

Najib orang Pahang. Tengoklah sendiri keadaan orang Melayu CHighlands.Usahlah rebranding sana sini. MEB, GST, 1Malaysia.

Nak naikan taraf pendapatan tinggi seperti negara maju. Dengan apa, kalau makan tak cukup duit untuk sekolah anak tak cukup. Duit untuk PERMATA beratus juta! Apa realitinya. Nak tanding global tapi PPSMI diketepikan.

Keluarga dia bolehlah cakap banyak. Yang paling tinggi gaji GLC siapa? Kalau nak cepat dapatkan taraf pendapatan tinggi serahkan sebulan-dua gajinya kapada penduduk Melayu CH.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Has terrorism succeeded: Mar 29 2010

By al-Din on March 29, 2010 10:41 PM

Post WWII the much-weakened Muslims demarcated into smaller states, religion is no more the unifying factor. Democracy, econmics and security are the rallying calls of the West. We got caught with their incessant propaganda,technology and threats. It seems that the panacea for stability is whom you associate with. We dare not lift a finger afraid of the displeasure of the powers-that-be.

Salute to Burma. It is the only coutry in the world that has withstand tremendous pressure to acquise the West. Malaysia is paying lip-service by sending an ambassador to negotiate for democracy. For the meagre prestige (and funds)we do the humbug work.

Everytime Arroyo talked about peace negotiations with the Moros and getting Malayia to mediate, their army would over-run Abu Sayaf. It is false a cover to be goody-goody.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Anwar masuk parlimen UK: Mar 19 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

Gays (homos) are of widespread occurrence nowadays especially in the west. He is a gay.

Gays are usually not transvestites ie. cross-dressers whom we call mak nyah, bapok, pondan. There is another category called orang lembut with feminish behaviour who normally dont' cross-dress.

Their presence is more in certain races, ethnics than others. By default they are being marginalised in terms of livelihood and acceptance by society. Understanding them may perhaps alleviate their burden of life.

Culture, upbringing, surroundings play a major role in promoting transvestism. Conjectures:

1. A family with many boys desirous for a girl, the mother will go the extent of cross-dressing a baby boy and treat him like a girl until he grows up.

2. Certain roles of former traditional society such as mak andams, dancers, cooks, comedians get special attention and benefits especially during khenduris. There seems to be a niche for feminish (men ) characters to assume such roles.

3. In a society strongly dependent on physical occupations as means of livehood such as hunting (orang asli), out fishing in the sea, or living at extreme temperatures (cold or hot), or survival (headhunting) feminish characters are cop-outs and forced to assume ceremonial roles.

4. Being marginalised they group themselves for support thus further enhance collective mannerism. Jobless, many would resort to backlane ways.

5. On rare occassions feminism of males are caused by genetic disorder of sex chromosomes X and Y.

PM, sorry for the digression.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Anwar masuk parlimen UK: Mar 19 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

My urology specialist said that it is next to impossible to get the phallus to get through the sphincter muscles especially when the partner is non-compliant.

Well, he must have his tricks apart from using jelly. Being not a pondan, he is enjoying both worlds bisexually.

Pondan is a Malay/Melanau dilemma for we hardly come across them among Chinese, Indians, Punjabis, or orang asli.

The other day while on the commuter train from KL Central to Kajang, right standing in front of me was perhaps the most beautiful 'damsel' that I ever seen. He was using size A bra I told my wife.

I have been theorising about their presence in our society. I have some ideas.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Will MCA election resolve crisis: Mar 17 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

The Chinese are strategically known to put the money where the mouth is - education, business, association, food etc. Where is the beef in politics vis a vis MCA? PKFZ scandal has left a major tell-tale sign. UMNO and MIC have their own tell-tale signs too.

Time and again Ong Tee Keat said that he is going after the culprits without fear and favour. Bravo. That is what we want we want from a leader. Hope he wins the presidency.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mahathir macam mana pulak? Mar 17 2010

al-Deen-amin said...
When can Negeri Minang field a candidate for PM? Do we have that calibre of Pahang, Kedah and Johore?

When the head is dumb, Bkt Pelanduk becomes Bkt Babi, cash transfer of RM10 million and 'unaware' of the ruling, when Coca Cola rules, when arrogance of youth wanted to be the youngest PM, when leadership cares only the puak, when mediocrity is politically favoured, the Minangs will never come up to the highest echelon of politics and government.

When we can't differentiate between the grain and the shaft in our thinking then we are in deep trouble.

Lebih kurang kitalah ni: Mar 16 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

Nampaknya saudara moundweller laju membuat posting. Tak sempat hendak membuat komen terutama tentang AT. Saya tidak pernah membaca tulisannya. Sungguh terkejut atas apa yang dia tulis.

Apakah sebab2nya ia membuta-tuli sebegitu?
- tidak mendalamai fakta agama dan pensejarahan
- sesat dengan ajaran tertentu
- tekanan jiwa dan hendak membalas dendam
- perasaan amarah maupun setengah gila
- ingin mendapatakan perhatian media blogger

Saudara lantang tidak setuju dengan AT sambil menyatakan beban dosanya terhadap agama, saya hairan mengapa bersekongkol mengutip derma untuk beliau. Prinsipnya ia bela diri sendiri. Saudara telah mengelirukan diri dan masyarakat. Lepas itu hendak melaknatkan dia pula. Perihatin ada tempatnya.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dimana Zul Nordin, dimana UMNO? Mar 12 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

Siapa yang akan tanggung dosa dalam kes sebegini di mana anak Muhammad Riduan, Ummu Salamh dan Abu Bakar kiranya dibesarkan oleh ibu yang bukan Islam? Adakah hakim Wan Afrah, JAIS, pemerintah, kaum Muslimin?

Undang-undang adalah gubahan manusia. Oleh itu perlu ada kajian maupun perubahan tertentu supaya keadilan tidak membawa penganiayaan.

Bagaimana jeritan batin dan kekecamukan kedua2 anak membesar dalam suasana Hindu? Bagaimana perasaan bapa mereka dan anak bongsu?. Mereka sajalah yang akan lebih tahu deritanya.

Saya percaya Mohammad Riduan telah sedaya upaya cuba mempengaruhi isterinya untuk memeluk Islam. Moga Allah buka hati beliau dan ini akan menyelesaikan trauma keluarga tersebut. Ya Allah berilah pertunjukan

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another lawsuit, Zahid's: Mar 12 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

Zaid's peak time is over and now going downhill. Out of UMNO for good he won't be making much headway in PKR for the party itself in shambles.

Knowing of his weakened position thus more vulnerable to attack by his opponents or enemies for tit-and-tat he has to wag the signal not to mince him. Who is going to support him now except his lawfirm money?

The sign of times is on him and let him be on his desperate political ways. He has done his favour to the retired judges.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Geveva Motor Show: Mar 4 2010

By al-Din on March 5, 2010 12:49 AM

"Kepada Mahathir"


Pemimpinku yang dipertamakan
telah kaudayakan apa yang munkin terdaya
telah kaufikir apa yang mungkin terfikir
telah kauadakan apa yang mungkin diadakan
meski barangkali ada yang tercicir, ada yang gerhana
lebih daripada itu adalah hak-Nya
semua berlaku atas kehendak-Nya.

Ahmad Sebi. 1991. Kepada Mahathir. Media Indah Sdn Bhd, K Lumpur ms28

Monday, March 1, 2010

Royalti Minyak: Mar 1 2010

al-Din-amin said...

Najib wants 1Malaysia. By not giving due fairness to Kelantan for the oil royalty he is not in cognizant of the motto. Is it mere slogan?

Najib wants high income people. By not giving the oil royalty he is not helping towards that objective.

The Kelantanese are unpredictable people even up to the royalty. They are very parochial meaning that they are groupies. Perhaps, other politicians have a fear in this.

The last time when their member held the education ministry, the whole gang-bang monopolise the top/high level posts in the education system - UM, UPM, UKM politekniks ... . Even a Datuk professor caught with khalwat is placed as dean of a branch campus!

There are advantages of being parochial especially in the days of lore - togetherness for community survival, remnant of an instinct.

Blair the Liar: Feb 21 2010

By al-Din on February 28, 2010 7:52 PM


Am glad that you brought up the topic on jihad. I must say that I did a poor job to explain about jihad. It is about doing good at all scale, from the minuscule to gigantum to oneself, immediate and distant family members, neighbours, communities, all mankind whether Muslims or non-Muslims. In fact I wrote somewhere in this blog:

"In Islam we have to do jihad in every form in our everyday lives be it with Muslims or non-Muslims, plant or animal life, the environment and in fact on planet Earth as a whole.

The sweetest jihad is maytyrdom, a promise to heaven. That is why you hear suicide bombers for they have no other choice to defend their homeland and families."

If I've done some clarification to your understanding that's also jihad albeit very minor for it is about spreading knowledge and better understanding of the religion of Islam. So jihad is not about killing people as the West have mislabeled it to confuse people especially the non-Muslims. Their killing fields are everywhere - Iraq, Palestine, Vietnam, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan ...

As for the brotherhood in Islam I could be very well be in Kunming, China now and I could knock on the doors of Muslim brothers's houses. When I say "Salam mualaikum" they will provide me the utmost hospitality without fear. You know those people there were Muslims very much earlier than in Malaysia. They were herders, traders, travellers, and providers of sanctuary along the famous Silk Route.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blair the Liar: Feb 21 2010

By al-Din on February 21, 2010 9:33 PM

The Bloody Liar Blair should not step on Malaysian soil anymore. We strongly protest his coming to taint our soil with murderous blood.

This would be the second coming of Bloody Blair to Malaysia. Sultan Azlan Shah was with the lap-dog in the first visit. People listened and barked with him then. Now, the achievers group want to bark with the anjing kurap.

Who are these jokers in the group? They cannot differentiate between blood and tears. Do not tell us that they are oblivious to what happened in Iraq - the killling, the brutality, the rape, the destruction, the injustice committed by the army sent by the murderers Bush and Blair?

What is their agenda? May the curse and vengeance of the people of Iraq be upon them for supporting Bloody Blair. May they soak their hearts with Bloody Blair's and achieve nothing.

Is it true: Feb 21 2010

al-Din-amin said...

DS Rsmah is trying and hoping to be the Eva Peron of Malaysia. This won't go because she is not as beautiful and charismatic as Eva; we are less romantic than the South Americans!

Her obstrusive ways does not befit as PMs wife in the running of the affairs of the country. This is intimidating to certain ministries she may encroach with her projects.

She is further weakening Najib. The talk of the town (there must be some truth in it) is that she's the hand behind the PM. He is already saddled with poor a performance rating of commissions and omissions.

There are so many charitable works she can dabble with to help ease the burden of the rakyat.

The two of them do not really have synergistic effect in terms braininess meaning that two heads is no better than one in fact worse!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Australian MPs: Feb 19 2010

By al-Din on February 19, 2010 12:34 PM

YAB Tun,

Thanks to your ever consistent efforts to reason to the world as a statesman should. Come what may, you have a way of handling them effectively. It is because of your deep understanding of many underlying issues enabling common sense and facts to nip them in the bud or give a balanced view of things.

It is unlike the modern day politicians. They lack anything concrete to say when troubled with issues revealing their immaturity. Instead of clarifyng it becomes muddled. No wonder, others do not respect us, treat us like children and poke fun at will.

Najib do not have to explain to the Australian MPs. Zahid don't have to go to China. The Menteri don't have to go Singapore to explain. What are the ambassadors doing? Are they good only for reception of dignitaries and politicians?

They should be in the forefront as government mouthpiece and to provide information about Malaysia and the country they are being stationed. Forget about having agricultural attaches all over the world as mooted by the previous Agriculture Minister when we have nothing much to export (other than palm oil and rubber)!

Actually, our government do not have or not giving confidence in them. That was why the ambassador to the U.N. was called back and services terminated.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Australia's Indian students: Feb 18 2010

By al-Din on February 18, 2010 8:20 PM

Australia is an open country. It is a gay country in the true sense. Their politicians conduct their ends gaily. Top Malaysian politicians gaily open sate houses in the outbacks, gaily invest in bungalows, gaily got caught with undeclared money, gaily enjoy the (gay) community) out of habit. Hop, hop on the kangaroo!

They have admitted for the lost children kidnapped from whites and aborigenes. What a pity state of the aboriginal reservations? Selective genocide.

Yes, they believe in shades of colour and conviction. Higher than thou lingering as if to rid off of its history of convicts. Barry Wain, gaily is a man of conviction.

Malaysia, convict the man on the dubur fast.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Kepelbagaian suara Melayu: Feb 4 2010

al-Din-amin said...

Am I a hypocrite? Today, more than ever I question my inner feelings. Today being Friday and as in all Fridays the imam during khutbah will say the do'a for our leaders for Allah's protection and to protect Islam and Muslims to follow the true path. The congregation (those not dozing) in chorus will Amin it.

The leaders are likened as our khalifahs. Are our solemn do'a being met with equanimity? A khalifah was with the murderer of Iraq, Tony Blair when he visited Sabah. While Singapore, the Israel of the East is treated as a second home to be away from trouble in the palace!

A sudden idea came through the turban - Nik Aziz flashed the thumb-up sign when LKY visited him. A past leader travelled 33 times to Los Angeles (Jewish?) hospital at whose expense?.

Perhaps I should stop being a hypocrite.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Proron Saga: Oct 30 2010

By al-Din on October 31, 2009 1:54 PM

The epitome of buat kerja is the Palace (what a name?)of Justice, Putrajaya "KAMI BUAT KERJA" monstrously painted at the entrance of the building. Whose idea was it?. It is as if they are the only ones buat kerja.

The epitome of cari kerja (splitting hairs)is by the Nefarious One on Proton. He was harping on the poor quality of the cars but did not say how to improve it. He was about to get Toyota Camris for the police. VW was 'demanded' to be Proton's partner. Yes, he could call the shots at will. Was he dangling the RM200 million or so (from Petronas) carrot?

I wanted to be a strategic partner of Proton but landed with Perodua via Kancil and Rusa.

Now that Proton is backed by Tun, part of Vision 2020 will materialise. With regards to Vision 2020, I would like to advertise with your permission Tun:

By a stroke of luck I have the CAR PLATE NUMBER BY2020. It's for sale to the highest bidder starting with RM10K lowest (car not included for its already cannibalised). Contact me at

The Proton Saga: Oct 30 2010

By al-Din on October 31, 2009 1:54 PM

The epitome of buat kerja is the Palace (what a name?)of Justice, Putrajaya "KAMI BUAT KERJA" monstrously painted at the entrance of the building. Whose idea was it?. It is as if they are the only ones buat kerja.

The epitome of cari kerja (splitting hairs)is by the Nefarious One on Proton. He was harping on the poor quality of the cars but did not say how to improve it. He was about to get Toyota Camris for the police. VW was 'demanded' to be Proton's partner. Yes, he could call the shots at will. Was he dangling the RM200 million or so (from Petronas) carrot?

I wanted to be a strategic partner of Proton but landed with Perodua via Kancil and Rusa.

Now that Proton is backed by Tun, part of Vision 2020 will materialise. With regards to Vision 2020, I would like to advertise with your permission Tun:

By a stroke of luck I have the CAR PLATE NUMBER BY2020. It's for sale to the highest bidder starting with RM10K lowest (car not included for its already cannibalised). Contact me at

currency crisis past and present: jan 29 2010

By al-Din on February 1, 2010 2:56 AM

Tun, please allow me.

A digression: Salam and apologies to PenyuMenagis.

I jumped into chedet's blog only several months ago. So I must admit that I am slow (to blogging) although very familiar with internet. Before that my wife used to recount to me what she had read in the blog occasionally. Then I was preoccupied, daily in filling in several bibliographic works, editing books and sweat it out in the farm afterwards.

My daughter helped to set the blog for me. It is only this week I am spending time to recourse to the earlier postings in chedet's blog. Sorry Tun. The reason is I am grounded after hospitalisation.

It is while doing copy and paste of the earlier postings that I come across the many lenghty, informative discourse on religion, science, and life by PenyuMenagis and the vigorous discussion followed suit by bloggers.

Rightly he could retain the non de plume to differentiate the book (poems) by JM Aziz titled 'Penyu Menangis' (1996) which I quoted in one of my earlier postings. My acknowledgement was wrong because I should quote the author rather than the title.

Such a gross error would have caused some confusion and mar the image of PenyuMenagis. My humble apologies to PenyuMenagis. Wassalam.

Monday, February 1, 2010

currency crisis past and present: jan 29 2010

By al-Din on January 31, 2010 8:48 PM


You hit the nail right: "That is the biggest problem in Malaysia, people are not qualified are promoted to positions of responsibility."

Pak Lah is one of the extreme example who pretend to be smart but nothing inside fit to be a leader. Apart from other things his economics and financial sense is horrendous. What happened to the RM270 billion Petronas money spent in 5 years?

Then the case arise of the evil problem of highly qualified financial advisors juggling figures in the wrong place! Or are they?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

currency crisis past and present: jan 29 2010

By al-Din on January 29, 2010 11:08 PM

Globalisation, free market, free world, democracy and communism are examples of grandiose schemes underscored by theories full of assumptions. Given the world conditions thus imperfect and forever changing, the stipulations cannot be met to the liking.

To the so called free world communism is a justification for sanction. Hence, embargo becomes a WMD. The after effects are debilitating and communism kneels to 'democracy'. Democracy becomes the pillar of humanity! What stop the proponents from hijacking democracy as they seem fit to their advantage?

The practice of so called free market has become intractible to the proponent themselves. Hence, when the sub-prime bubble burst, the proponents must insist to the world that the problem is being overcomed, the economy is strong and the dollar is stable.

To get out of the financial abyss and trillions of debt:
i) control the oil flow of Saudi, Kuwait, Iraq;
ii) destabilise the world and sell more weaponry;
iii) invade Iraq, Iran and control their oil;
iv) play threatening big brother to China, Japan, South Korea;
v) play protective big brother to Israel for Jew money;
vi) crusade and subjugate the Muslims;
vii) manipulate UN, IAEA, IMF, World Bank, NATO to their whims and fancies.

These are but part of the broadly apparent strategies affecting countries like us. The hidden strategies are yet to moult if ever.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

aku orang Melayu: AKJ

al-Din-amin said...

- gerak gempur
- sekolah bistari (for KL?)
- propsed RM640M for sports complex in London
- 3rd bridge?
- 1 malaysia
- 1 world
- my father and felda
- saudi's top award
- Blair in Sabah
- no racial designation
- nitty gritty NKRA (we have performed well!)
- altantuya
- (said to be) coward
- queen and I
- Isa Bkt Pelanduk
- lost 2 engines and new fighter planes
- ...

Is this the stuff we have?

9/11 and reactions: chedet

By al-Din on January 28, 2010 4:43 PM

Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi (1138-1193), the Hero of Al-Quds was of Kurdish blood from Azarbaijan. His grandfather settled in Tikrit, Baghdad. For 27 fighting years Salahuddin was on horseback much of the time.

After the taking of Constantinople from the crusaders in 1453 by Mehmet, the Ottoman sultan, sporadic wars continued on. There are conflicting accounts as to when the crusades ended. Billings (1990) put it as far as 1798 meaning a span of 700 years.

In June 1798 Napoleon, on his way to Egypt, sailed to Malta and subdued the 332 crusader knights bastioned there. In Egypt Napoleon was known to enjoy the company of viziers and many an evening he presided over open-air court cases. He was a Muslim according to certain sources. He died in exile on St Elba.

Note: Salahuddin fortress in the mountains north east of Latakia, Syria is a reminder of his legacy. When I visited the fortress 6 years ago it is a favourite tourist site though not much of the fortress architecture remained.

bangga sebagai Melayu: AKJ

al-Din-amin said...

Orang kita memang suka cari kerja (splitting hairs) bukan buat kerja. Hari-hari ada juga perkara-perkara canggih kononnya untuk menunjukan buat kerja. Sebab otak yang kosong tidak boleh berfikir panjang dan menganalisa implikasinya maka timbulnya kejadian tikus membaiki labu. Bak kata tin kosong itulah yang kuat bunyinya.

Jika diomong-omongkan konsep 1Malaysia inilah jadinya. Kenalah dipadankan dengan isi, pendekatan baru, berpolitiking serta rebranding, kalau tidak ia berupa kelonsong sahaja.

Pemimpin yang goncang akan membuat apa saja untuk menguatkan kedudukannya - menjual hak sendiri untuk menyedapkan hati orang, menunjuk-nunjuk keperhatinan dsb.Padahal banyak lagi hal-hal kepentingan negara patut di selesaikan. Beras tak cukup, perkampungan terbiar kurang kemudahan jalan (jalan di kampung saya masih lateritik!), kesihatan dan lain-lain aspek, orang-orang asli merana bebuluran kerana bahan makanan dan pendapatan di hutan berkurangan, pencemaran persekitaran dsb.

Pemimpin-pemimpin sudah lama berkampung di bandar lali dengan kemewahan (RM10 juta senang-senang dikirim keluar negara, yang ada dalam poket entah berapa banyak lagi, untuk isteri dan anak entah berapa banyak lagi) jadi lupa mereka yang tinggal di pendalaman -terutamanya di Sarawak dan Sabah berapa daif kehidupan disana.

Akuilah bahawa Allah telah menganugrahkan negara ini dengan berbilang bangsa. Dengan itu kita kaya dengan budaya, sejarah, agama dan kebolehan yang berbeza yang dapat dimenafaati. Cara isi borang untuk menyatukan masyarakat majmuk adalah satu pendekatan yang cetek.

10:46 PM

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

9/11 and reactions: Jan 26 2010

By al-Din on January 28, 2010 6:02 AM

It is just a haunch. But I feel quite strongly the undercurrent of media trying to play king-maker. When KJ came back from Mekah news was that he could be appointed as a minister. As it did not materialise there would be few red faces. What is the real function of (certain) media?

Now the pressure is on. Certain mainstream media say that Hassan Marican got to go. He knows too much of the RM270 billion? One wonders. Petronas seems to be doing well.

Several media manipulators have been neutralised. However, the shadow of wayang kulit is still there.

9/11 and reactions: Jan 26 2010

By al-Din on January 27, 2010 10:57 PM

The old crusades, the papal killing fields.

On November 25 1095 Pope Urban II summoned the expedition for the 1st crusade to Jerusalem, (also) their holy land. Some 25,000 marched 3000 miles from Europe (France, Spain, Italy, Germany ...) to Muslim-held Jerusalem and captured it by July 1099 and established the Latin (Crusader)Kingdom. Some 40,000 Jews and Muslims were savagely butchered.

2nd crusade (1144- ) - called by Pope Eugenius III and led by King Louis VII of France and King Conrad of Germany failed.

In 1187 Salahudin al-Ayubi routed the entire Christian army at the Battle of Hattin and recaptured Jerusalem (Al-Quds). Nearly all the knights of Templers and Hospitalliers were killed.

3rd crusade (1187-1192) - the fall of Jerusalem led Pope Gregory VIII to call for crusade. Led by Richard I (Lion Heart) but failed to capture Jerusalem which Salahudin successfully defended.

Salahudin, the Hero of Al-Quds died in 1193 in Syria, a poor man as he had given away much of his possessions! Till today Jerusalem remains in Muslim hands.

4th crusade (1203-1204) - encouraged by Pope Innocent III. The west christians instead of going after the Muslims befelled Byzantine (orthodox) Constantinople in 1204 and gained much booty! They established the Latin Kingdom of Constantinople.

5th crusade 1218-1221)- again announced by Pope Innocent III, an attacked Egypt (Damietta) ended in failure.

6th crusade (1245-1249)- announced by Pope Innocent IV again, attacked Egypt (detour to Jerusalem) ended in a rout.

7th crusade (1271-1272) - led by King Edward I of England, failed to halt the Mamluk Turks from regaining several strongholds of the Latin Kingdom.

By 1453 the Latin Kingdom of Constantinople fell to the Turks led by Mehmet, the Ottoman sultan.

However, in Andalus the Muslims were losing their hold of the country. By January 1492, Abu ‘Abdullah, the last Khalif of Granada, Spain was fleeing in exile to Morocco. The mother of the Khalif scolded her son, “Do not weep like a woman for what you could not defend like a man!”

The Muslim rule of Andalus (Spain) which lasted for 772 years (since 720) was over. Granada, the last stronghold of the Moors capitulated to the Spanish army on that fateful January. Thousands of lives had perished. Al-Hambra, the resplendent palace was lost. Over 1,005,000 volumes of works on Moorish culture were burnt. Ferdinand, the King of Spain issued an edict of expulsion which sent 100,000 Jews to Portugal.


9/11 and reactions: Jan 26 2010

By al-Din on January 27, 2010 3:12 AM

They could have easily droned Saddam. Now the Iraqis have little left of its history as the birthplace of civilisation. America lost the war. The Iraqis will not forget revenge not in another 1000 years. America is doomed.

With all the pretext America wants to dismantle the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan. We are witnessing the genocide of Pathans in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They will not forget revenge not in another 1000 years.

It will not stop there. Indications are clear that Iran and Yemen will be the next killing fields. Isn't this a crusade against Muslims?

For the killing fields in the Moroland, Pinatubo drove America out of the Philippines. The last eruption of that 'dormant' volcanic mountain was 500 years before!

Kartina flattened New Orleans. California conflagarated. The Andreas fault has rumbled. Do all these 'natural disasters' mean anything to them? The wrath of God for their arrogance on this planet earth. Wait for the Big Show. Allah is Great.

The answer to crusade is jihad with all its possible ramifications. To survive we must strenghten our brotherhood of Islam.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Makassar: jan 25 2010

By al-Din on January 26, 2010 11:06 AM

O, leaders of the day. We take levy from millions of legal migrant workers - Indonesians, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Indians, Vietnamese, Filipinos etc for what? MONEY. MONEY. That's all.

Give them their due of basic welfare governance for what we do to them good or bad will get back to us sooner or later. As how best to formulate and run it is not difficult for we have the various ministries and agencies to work together.

The trust was given to you and you will answer that to Allah.

Makassar: jan 25 2010

By al-Din on January 26, 2010 7:02 AM

We stand to gain much in having close relationship with Indonesia, the great land of thousand (of) islands with the largest Muslim population in the world. Under the current peaceful environment the country is fast developing yet the people maintain good traditional values and culture. For example, the town of Jatinangor close to Bandung and where the University of Padjajaran is located is much cleaner now than say 3 years ago.

The people are independently hardworking and creative and this contribute greatly towards the economy and development. They build on their own suraus, homes, irrigation of padi fields. With that huge population their rice is sufficient to feed themselves and even for export in certain years! We have to learn from them because we are still deficient in rice.

The Indonesian workers are contributing towards development here. It's ashame how we treat many of them, less than humane, with many cases of physical abuse. A maid was literally ironed and recently one got bundled up dead. This put us in a bad light of our relationship.

The relevant ministry should instituted proper guidelines and monitoring of their welfare be it at national, state and district levels. The workers are safely assured that whatever problems arise they report to such offices. A National Standing Committee to be estalished and regular reports published. We say much of human capital are they not part of it.

Who bears the burden of guilt (dosa) when Muslim maids work in restaurants and houses that serve pork? Behold the leaders of the day for you will answer that to Allah.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

say no to nazri: akhramsyah 18.1.10


It is easy to say that I am a samurai. Doe Nazri know what entails to be a samurai, its warrior tradition failing to deliver means harakiri?

A samurai kontot that he is. He has degraded the culture of samurai. The Japanese simply laugh at him. Being a political failure, the least he could do is to quit UMNO.

Nazri is a ronin. Like father like son. Alijah Gordon said something to me about him.

September 11, 2001: chedet 22.1.10

By al-Din on January 23, 2010 12:27 PM

America is but a belligerent and a crusader state. Obama does not want to fail his folks as the first black President. Day by day the stranglehold on him to adhere to foreign and national policies dictated by certain heinous groups (you know who) become stronger. He is tangoing like a puppet on the strings. Najib is tangoing too.

A nobody said that Tun's timing of statements on the 9/11 were improper during these tensional days. The world is ever in tension until kuching bertanduk! Many innocent lives are being killed daily in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Philippines and yet the less said the better? These are merely not 'international incidents'. Jack Straw has castrated himself and thus no balls.

"Wake - it is time to be a martyr at Kabul" - rebel folksong, Afghanistan 1982.

During the crusades of old they called us infidels. Now, crusaders labelled us terrorists. They were not happy with the outcome of the earlier crusades (1095-1453, the fall of Constantinople) which prompted Austorc d'Aurillac to say "I see Christianity routed. I do not believe there has been such a loss. It gives good reason to stop believing in God and to adore Mohammad".

The Arabs have achieved their (hence Muslim) climax of civilisation. Their countries have been laid to waste by crusaders for centuries already, the latest Iraq, on-going Palestine and soon Iran and Yamen. Their wealth are spent and so are the people. Here we stand as spectators and mess-up the country. Damn the destroyer.

Only Iran can hold the banner of Islam high and that's why they are being hunted down. The fear and paranoia put into Muslim countries (including Malaysia) by the west deter them to support Iran. Recall our representative to UN incident!

September 11, 2001: chedet 22.1.10

By al-Din on January 23, 2010 2:48 AM

In all honesty and fairness I must say that the Americans, individually have but praise and admiration for them. They have common sense, hardworking, helpful, unselfish, courteous, intelligent etc etc. I know this for a fact for I spent years in Louisiana, California, Oregon and Florida primarily as a student. I traversed their country north-south and east-west.

My daughter was borne very prematurely at six and half month and weighed barely 1kg then. The hospital was equipped with the latest technology, and the doctors, nurses and community gave their best care to my daughter and wife. She is now a teacher. Allah is great.

One winter, while travelling the car radiator hose burst and we were stranded by the highway. After flagging several cars we finally got help when a car pulled over and towed us to the nearest gas station. He said that he had worked with Citybank, K Lumpur before!

A world reknown ENT surgeon at Los Angeles replaced my right ear inner bones with artificial ones.

To these people and others and the many lecturers who taught me I owe them much gratitude.

As a nation their foreign policy is belligrent. Their hands are bloodied with the killing fields committed (in the name of so-called liberty) be it in their own soil - against bisons, Red Indians, African slaves, Mexicans ... or elsewhere - Panama, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Palestine ... now Iraq and Afghanistan, later Iran, Yaman ...

With such historical background the sacrifial lambs of 3000 at the World Trade Center is not improbable and inconsequential. The minds of the general public have been blinded with such a stupendous ruse that they become dumbfounded and simply refused to believe their common sense and physics in this case. Where's the evidence they still say?

There is a reason for a crusade.

September 11, 2001: chedet 22.1.10

By al-Din on January 22, 2010 3:06 PM

Lives especially foreign ones are cheap to these warmongers. They killed many Iraqis. They didn't make a fuss of it. However, they bitched over Abu Gharib prison torture. Several soldiers became the scapegoats. This hulla-baloo was to show to the world that they care.

At the initial stage of WWII, Churchill found it difficult to get the Americans involved in the fight against Hitler. To entice them the British (purposely) allowed tour cruise ships to ply cross the Atlantic from England to New York though under naval protection against U2 submarines. The U2 were holding back not to torpedo the cruise ships because there might be gringos among the passengers.

The break happened when finally a cruise ship was torpedoed and sank. Amongst the casualties were a few gringos. Then America declared war over Germany and the rest is history.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

sand for Singapore: jan18 2010

By al-Din on January 19, 2010 11:55 AM
For all you know, buried cunningly in the lorries of sand are bags of heroine, emphitamines, gold, arms and what have you. Can the customs really check on that?

This is the case where enrich thy neighbour doesn't work here. They are already richer than us.

How to break the Sing's monopoly on the trade route.
1: build the crooked bridge;
2: build an east-west Panama-like canal linking Kuala Muda-Merbau Pulas-Kg Keruna-Tasek Chendroh-Kg Timor-Kg Hulu on the Kelantan River. The voluminous soil dug up can be used to enjoin Penang to the mainland, and Langkawi to K Perlis.

With those two built we can talk eyeball-to-eyeball with the Sings.

Thailand will never agree to build a canal across the Isthmus of Kra for strategic reasons to contain the trouble south and its break-away to autonomy and even independence.

Monday, January 18, 2010

sand for singapore, jan 18 2010

By al-Din on January 18, 2010 7:04 PM
The Works Minister must be working from the house (as per his draughtsmen/women are allowed!) during office hours as such that he is oblivious of daily happenings in order that decisions made are not detrimental to the country.

For a few RM more we sell sand so that the Sings can expand their coast line to narrow the Straits to Johore besides the billions of microchips can be manufactured as what the silica sand are purported for. How gullible we can be! Is Malaysia that bankrupt?

The PM is desperate for votes. Hence, he is busy with daily nitty-gritty things to show he cares which is best left to the appropriate ministries. What has he done or undone here and in Saudi Arabia to be so awarded! To show that we belong to the same club of Master Brinkmanship?

He better focus on bigger things that matters as PM in terms of security and other aspects of high national interest. Anyway, during his many abscences, Nazri take to centre stage! Used to be anak rajas roaming around in the old days.

where all the Indians gone?: Jan 15 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

Abolish VOA in the first place. Abolish VOA. Abolish VOA.

The wellbeing of rakyat is of top importance than the few ringgit more from 'tourists'.

Statesmanship don't see in terms of ringgit only but what benefit the society as a whole.

The veteran politicians are too embedded in cosy life away from reality, the Deputy Minister of Defence for example.