Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ironi rintihan Perdana Menteri: AKJ 1.4.13

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Najib's talk does not befit what a PM should say. It gives the impression that peace and security is half dead in this country. It goes without saying that the position as PM or any head of state for that matter (security) threat comes with the job. His talk becomes cheap out of sloganeering habit and tweeting (eg. tweeted from Mekah, "I remember you all"). Having visited Vatican earlier (than Mekah) he should know that a Pope was shot by Sirhan Sirhan (?). Be man enough and don't spread the paranoia.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sino-nisation of Jauhar: Thirteen Million Plus, Mar 16

Slumberjackass and Najib see Iskandar as the cash cow for they only see Chinese Singapore, Taiwan, Hongkong, and mainland Chinese apart from others have the money and technology to invest. Both of them talk in terms of billions. The money supposedly coming in blinded them into opening the floodgate of sino-nisation that will overwhelm the Malays to mere tidbit pickers and losers.
Compared to those Chinese we are but peddlers that can easily be bulldozed if not bought. These two jokers don’t think strategically of the effect of such a fast pace development. Economic development for JB yes but not at the brutal displacement of the Malays. This is how Najib thinks towards fast high income economy.
That is why the scenic bridge is a strategic plan to develop JB within our means and pace so that we win both the war and ultimately the battle. Najib can’t see beyond his nose-bridge and will put Malaysia in dire straits (of Johore). What we need to do with such quick-fix-stop-gap leader?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Adakah Lagi Tempat Melayu Bergantung: AKJ 25.2.13

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE)said...
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What is the pact with Dolah? Mahathir wrote in his blog. It remained unanswered until today. Najib has that elegance of silence too. Apart from sloganeering (talk is cheap), rebranding is his daily bread. Be innovative he said!

Of what use of new money if it causes confusion in size and colour to the old ones? Size helps to tell coin nominations especially for the blind and when in the dark at pasar malam for example. The numerals must be raised enough on the coin so that one can tell the amount just by the feel of it.

The colour of the new RM20 note is almost the same as the RM10 note. As if there is no other colour! I could not believe that there are so many stupid people up there.

What's wrong with the old ones? Was it a pretext to print fiat money to be doled out to all and sundry and hoping for votes in return? If that is the case then the nation is in deep shit.

It costs money to mint money. Dolah is said to be hand-in-glove with the Australian mint firm.

Najib, like Dolah is a braggard, talking in terms of billions to tell the whole world to invest here, little realising the implication of supposedly skyhigh money coming and to make. It could have a triggering effect towards inflationary cost of living.

His minimum wage policy among others, is poorly planned and hence a blunder that definitely has inflationary effects across the board, industry-wise and to majority of the populace. FGVH is a farce. His 11x3 years in politics has not prepare him enough to be FM and he should due to be replaced.

This man pointing to his egoistic self is supposed to take care of the Orang Asli and rural development. Yet, he is the one who responsible for discarding the 1sen coin and rounding-up to the nearest 5 or 10 sen. This is contradictory to having sensitivity towards the downtrodden. Is he acting as FM? What Zeti has to say? This Shafie has been desensitisized for being up rich in the club too long, do the honourable thing.

Melayu suka menikus dan cari kerja!