Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fuyoh! Bukti BN sangat zalim wooo! Nov 12 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Masjid dipolitikan. Beberapa masjid dikawasan Batu Gajah, Tronoh misalnya, AJK masjid dilantik oleh UMNO. Kalau mereka buat kerja dengan amanah dan cekap tak mengapa.

Mesyuarat tahunan jarang sekali oleh proses demokrasi pemilihan AJK tidak dijalankan. Biarlah ahli2 qariah sendiri menentukan mereka2 yang layak menjaga rumah Allah.

Duit kutipan Jumaat dan sedekah tidak diamalkan - membaiki longkang pecah, tandas kotor, meja kerusi tidak ada dsb. Duit disimpan tidak untuk kebaikan untuk fakir miskin, mualaf dan mereka yang memerlukan.

Dengar2 para pengerusi orang kuat atau dilantik oleh Datuk Yusoff Kassim. Beliau perlu turun kepadang masjid dan menegakkan rumah Allah dan mendengar rintihan qariah.

Wallah hu alam.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Tun tegur siapa sebenarnya? Oct 31 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Najib said he is always giving ears to the rakyat. That is bull because even to the sultan of Johore and Dr Mahathir (concerning the bridge) he refused to listen. He is adamant to abolish PPSMI when many parents and NGOs are against it.
Najib is likened curah air ke daun keladi.
He blamed NEP for the bastardizing effect on Malays setting aside the many benefits accrued. No doubt here has been abuses but it should be under damage control by the government itself in the first place .
It is UMNO that has been hijacked and used as a front by politicians like him to further their ambitions. Then and now individuals and groups of people have thus bastardized UMNO as such that UMNO itself has been transformed into an organic monster bastardizing the Malays. Why not? To cite examples - UMNO has the contracts and you are not a crony jangan haraplah! Dia orang Pas bukan UMNO tak perlu buat jalan atau jambatan kampung tu.

Apa sebenar "winnable candidate" najib? Oct 30 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

"Winnable" has off-flavour if not corrupt connotation.It is a vague notion. Knowing politics of the day, millions of on-the-spot give-aways (RM)is the norm. Najib has been doing just that in the run-up to all bye-elections. Win by all means!
"People's candidate" sound more meaningful to take into account of the candidate's proven track records, personality, commitment, honesty and qualification.
Parachute candidates are not the norm unless of extraordinary stature that the masses are aware of. Najib is trying to be innovative in his policies but tend to be counter-productive . Time and again the feedback has been smashing his very face and then he goes flip-flopping again and again.
Najib has not learn anything substantial in his 40x1 years in UMNO. What a waste!
Many members from the lowest to the highest have degenerate and bastardize UMNO by milking the party to the max. UMNO is the gateway to contracts and richness. One can hide (self) gainfully in UMNO's milieu for years and be protected.
UMNO has politicised or even bastardized the mosques. The management committee members appointed by the local UMNO leaders are incompetent arrogant. A number of mosques that I know off do not conduct annual meeting for years.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


In 1206, the nomadic Mongol tribes became united under Temuchin or popularly known as Genghis (Chinggis) Khan and began their brutal expansion from their homeground in the Gobi Desert westwards (Eastern Europe) and eastwards (China).

Genghis Khan (c. 1170-1227)

Genghis Khan sacked Bukhara, Samarkand. The old Qurans in the mosque were desecrated. Though not a Muslim, Genghis gathered prisoners into the mosque and delivered his famous 'Punishment of God' speech from the pulpit.

"O people, know that you have committed great sins and that the great ones among you have committed these sins! If you ask me what proof I have for these words, I say it is because I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like upon you...."

A sixteenth-century Indian depiction of the Mongol army storming a Chinese city.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Awasi Dakyah Kristian: Ridhuan Tee, Aug 5 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Telah Papa vatican beri laluan untuk 1Malaysia! Kalau kepala bermesra dengan 'the mother of all church' apa petandanya kapada ekor?
Mengapa 1vatican, tidak Somalia? Negara Islam kebuluran. Dimana polisi luar negara?
1Malaysia megah sebagai pengeluar minyak kelapa sawit, kaya dengan vitamin E. Rahmat Allah dibahagi-bahagi agar (negara) mendapat berkat.
Bukan billion2 wang (sahaja) yang hendak dikejar, puak elitist bermanafaat, proletariat bagaimana?.
Negara kristian sedia menghulur bantuan walaupun kenegara Islam. Kita kata mereka ada agenda. Apa pula agenda kita?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ku Li yang amanh? 26 Julai 2011

Anonymous said...

scorpene, altantuya
Papa Vatican caya

billion sana sini
RM111.1juta untuk bini
apa ini?

minyak naik
barang naik

ku dan adik ku
ku dan bapak ku
felda ku

APU, Gagasan

kus Semangat
ku panggil kau

kus Amanah
ku seru kau
silau memukau

Syiling baru Malaysia - nak beli?: 26 Julai 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Mengapa tiba2 nak tukar duit baru? Duit lama 'haram' kerana ada orang terlibat dalam sogokan 'mint' duit di Australia. Selagi duit lama itu digunakan orang akan ingat insiden. Jadi nak lupakan kisah sogokan buat duit baru. Kali ini syarikat lain akan mint. Padan syarikat dulu kerana bocorkan rahsia!
Dolah dikaitkan. Adakah najib diberi 1jari telunjuk oleh Dolah(Dolah selalu tunjuk kalau dia tak berdengkur).
Harga minyak dan barang naik. Salahkan duit lama!
Kalau gunakan duit plastik kan lebih murah. Dapat jimat lagi untuk beli jet pejuang baru nak intai jet Singapork! Duit scorpene pun belum habis.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Al Fatihah (Papa Gomo, 10 Julai 11): Komentar

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE), July 10, 2011 1:45 AM

Kalau Bersih 2.0 gagal perlunya Bersih 3.0? Lebih banyak practice-run lebih baik kita menghadapi cabaran. Kali ini usah diulangi kesilapan seperti:

1. Agong hanya tahu PM jalankan pemerintahan negara dengan cekap dan berani. Beliau tidak perlu layani memo. Implikasinya, kalau Agong terpaksa juga memberi arahan bermakna PM tidak pandai buat kerja, kena digantikan.

2. Ex-PM sepatutnya terus tidur kerana beri nasihat pun salah. Dia masih tidak faham kedudukan Agong dan tanggugjawabnya. Sebab itu ia kena lepas jawatan.

3. PM perlu buat keputusan sendiri. Ini hinggakan Agong terpaksa beri keputusan ia cuba tutup malu dengan membenarkan demo diadakan (dalam stadium). Dia tidak faham maksud Agong padahal orang biasa pun tahu. Lepas itu ia kata tak boleh demo.

4. Selepas flip-flop PM kata bapanya penyabar. Rakyat tahu itu bapanya. Kan dah besar tua, masih manja!

5. Tidak sepakat dalam memberi keputusan. PM kata boleh, Menteri itu kata ia pertubuhan haram, Menteri ini kata tidak diluluskan mengguna stadium, polis pun kata begitu. Bermakna maklumat lengkap tidak telus kapada semua pihak dan perbincangan mendalam tidak ada. Adakah PM memandai sahaja dan autocratic?

6. Ramai pihak lepas cakap yang kalanya memanaskan lagi keadaan seperti hendak huru-hara maupun berperang. Cabar mencabar, tentera dah ready, para pesilat dah berselindang, patriot nak berbaju merah ...

7. Melayu lupa bahawa yang hendak bergaduh sesama sendiri, bangsa lain tepuk tangan.

8. Memandangkan pendekatan yang bercelaru mengadapi demo terbaru ini, elok agaknya ada raptai Bersih 3.0 supaya jentera dan persiapan menghadapai apa2 rusuhan lebih kemas. Practice makes perfect.

9. Syabas polis dan FRU kerana dapat menghindari sebarang kecelakaan. Kalau ada yang kena belasah tu biasalah.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dunia Muslim ibarat kembiri tanpa kepemimpinan: Mei 30 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

At the very macro or global level, the Muslim world is in tetters. How could that be? We have to examine and build the foundation right from basic micro level and the gradations there off - from individual members to the state and nation.

Take an example, at the state level we see how Perak destroys its beautiful natural resource to cover a past economic blunder or mismanagement.

Teluk Rubiah, a cosy, tranquil cove not far from Setiawan.

The resort project was built perhaps during MB Ramli Ngah is now abandoned.

Numerous delipidated 2 storey wooden bungalows and unkept golf course.

Millions had been spent on the project. What when wrong with the investment that failed? My guess is that it was meant to be an exclusive holiday niche for the rich. A cleared site for their holiday homes now full of lalang.

Designed for exclusiveness for the elites Tlk Rubiah was not promoted for public use and thus little income. The elites would frequent the resort at their whims and fancy for there are other places of choice to wallow.

The guard told me that the abandoned resort has been leased to a Brazillian company for an iron/steel mill. A jetty reaching far out into the sea is being built. Why build an environment polluting heavy metal in such a beautiful nook? Why not somewhere near to transportation route but away from peole? Even if the guard's statement was not true, Teluk Rubiah has been wronged.

An idyllic hideaway, heaven on earth, gift of Allah to earth beings will be soon gone, unless and unless the MB decide otherwise.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kata dikota ...: May 25 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) (22:34:54)

Saya berasa dalam mimpi bagaimana kerajaan membuat keputusan dan pengumumam satu lepas satu tanpa fikiran yang mendalam atas kesannya kapada rakyat biasa atau yang bukan elit. Saya masih bingong dan susah nak percaya betapa pihak pemerintah boleh membuat keputusan melulu dan kebodohan. Bodohkah mereka. Contohnya:

Bangunan parlimen sudah 40 tahun, dah udzur. Tahukah beliau bangunan parlimen England 900 tahun. Kalau yang berkata itu sudah berumur 65 tahun itu sudah terlalu tua dan patut dikondemkan.

Duit 1 sen tidak berguna, round-upkan. Dia dah kaya lupa daratan bolehlah kata begitu. Apakah hak beliau keatas duit rakyat walaupun 1 sen untuk tidak diniagakan? Orang begini tidak perihatin dan usahlah pegang jawatan Menteri Luar Bandar.

Boleh buat kerja pejabat dirumah. Kalau begitu semua orang nak kemudahan serupa itu supaya adil. Senang jaga rumah dan anak2. Apakah dia mengikut peraturan GO atau telah direstui PSD?

8A SPM semua dapat biasiswa. Sedarkah pencapain A melambak bukan seperti dulu. Nyata menteri ketinggalan zaman. Hendak diberi biasiswa perlu berdasarkan keperluan tenaga, kepakaran negara, bumiputra, keewangan dll faktor. Pegawai PSD menjadi bingong kerana disalahkan bila biasiswa tidak dikabulkan. Mereka tanggung bahana.

Ini tidak termasuk GST, Scorpene, Altantuya, Permata dan ETP yang bersifat elitis. Banyak lagilah buah mulut untuk PRU13.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hegemoni Amerika "raison d'etre" fenomena Osama: 4 Mei 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

The US is a crusader state.

After the announcement, US is cushioning the would-be revenge to Pakistan and get Saudi to bankroll. The latter is nervous about protests, hence Osama got to be killed lest he might stoke the protest to a peoples' revolution. He had an axe to grind regarding US military base in Riyadh. Anyway, with the turmoil in the Middle East Osama's usefullness to the US has expired, according to Robert Fisk.

Osama was somewhere in Pak-Afg when the 9/11 happened. He may be indirectly involved as to giving instructions.

Bush was at the White House when Iraq was attacked. Definitely, he was directly and indirectly involved in the war and follow-up massacre of half million Iraqis as to orders, approving budgets for armaments, warships and fighter jets, military might ...

So who is the Mother of All Terrorists! Who is the Axis of All Evils? Justice is not done yet. May Allah grant justice for He only knows.

Due to years of incessant media bombardment on terrorism-Osama-Muslims we have been indoctrinated, side-tracked from the truth, become whimpish and dare not associate with anything Osama.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Change or not to change?: Apr 13 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Our immediate environment and world situations are constantly in a state of flux. As such that nothing is permanent in life except change . Change we must. Change within oneself has to happen either willingly through own realisation based on added knowledge or forcibly due to impinging external forces and demands. Change for the community is organizational based.

We are a creature of habit. And habit don't change easily when reinforced by culture. Now, more than ever the individual and thought community of Malaysians are being challenged, provoked and inflamed to ponder,react and adapt.

The country is facing dynamic controversies and issues on many fronts at one go - politics (leadership, government vs oppositon parties, elections ...), religion (bible issue), social (sex-scandals, corruption, disunity, poverty), economics (price hikes), education.

Many of the issues are self-created due to poor governance. With all these going-ons our minds are in a state of amuk as to what really going on with the country. And we have to make decisions as to choices, moves, adaptations to stay peaceful. To stay ignorant means inviting unhappiness.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Syndicates behind MACC deaths: Apr 14 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Did Rumie Azzan Mali jumped to his death at his 9th floor office in 2005? The case has not been solved after several inquests. Below is part of article I wrote in NST, Apr 18 2005 titled "Honest and Dedicated Officer"

"... Rumie told me that he wanted to join the Sarawak DOE to further his studies. His father was retiring from the Pejabat Agama Islam, Kuching, and he wanted to be in Kuching so that his two boys would receive a better education.

I was stunned when I heard the news of his death, especially when it was rumoured that he jumped nine floors from his workplace. Why would a man of principle with a stable family, who had just been working for some months want to terminate his life? I vouch for his honesty.

A man of his nature is not easily corrupted. Perhaps he stumbled onto
something big. With his passing there are many questions to be answered and mysteries to be solved in the ongoing investigations.

His family, parents, relatives and circle of friends surely want to clear his name. Only then will part of their sadness fade away.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gagarin: Apr 13 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Aduhai negaraku
Maruah merajuk

Mata putih
Batu putih
Pasir berdampar

Berhambus kau
Tidak erti.

Felda to harness the power of RE: Apr 10 2011

11:44 PM
Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Biomass conversion to energy is one form of recycling energy from the sun. Seems that cost of RE conversion is not cheap. Perhaps felda pilot project on a mill before going full steam.

Price of oil is up due to protests in the Middle East. Interest in biofuel from jatropha for example can alleviate energy problem in developing countries.

Could Sarawak be DAP's next conquest: Apr 12 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Nasi hampir menjadi bubur. Itulah padahnya kalau menyimpan pisau2 karat makan tuan oleh pemerintah negara. Banyak lagi yang bergelimpangan dalam simpanan meracuni rakyat. Lama2 pemerintah menjadi keparat.

Dulunya Melayu lebih maju dan ketuanan kpd Melanau tapi kini terbalik. Orang Melanau pada amnya rajin berkebun sagu, berani kelaut, membuat rumah sendiri dan berdikari. Melanau is a sustainable society.

Hanya akhir2 ini Taib bergegas membangunkan Mukah, perkampungannya. Sebelum itu mundur - jalan, paip air, persekolahan dsb serba kekurangan. Kaumnya sendiri menolak dia inikan pula etnik lain.

Setelah berkuasa begitu lama Taib telah lupakan daratan. Jerih Brooke menghentikan head-hunting dan aktiviti lanun kini CM seolah ketua lanun.

Luring Malaysians abroad: Apr 12 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Circumstances and purposeful quests have landed many Malaysian professionals overseas. For reasons best known to themselves they are lured or preferred to work in other countries - have settled down there, high income, job satisfaction, excellent working and living environment etc. It is not just for money in most instances.

To entice them back on pure economic terms is not convincing enough. Whatmore with the rampant politicking and cronyism. The experts' English is par excellence and here have to deal with poor speakers!

Let them come back on their own terms as when and where they please. In the first place why the ETP is so ambitious, elitist and Klang Valley-centred to the exclusion of proletariats.

O p E d: ANAK - Anda pernah penat begini? Bah. 3/3

O p E d: ANAK - Anda pernah penat begini? Bah. 3/3

The feel good factor (FGF virus) is a deadly virus: Apr 11 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Malaysia, our paradise is slipping tither and tither. We know this because of what remaining is FGF and wishful thinking. Oh, how wondeful in those days when the rivers are clear to swim. Wish we have more leaders like Mahathir. Wish we are like New Zealand, progressive and good governance.

We just wobble ahead and let other countries in the region overtake us. At all levels of (whatever) system in the country from the smallest/lowest to the highest are not in good working order.

The jawatankuasas of mosques and suraus are politicised posts. Meetings are infrequently held. Collections are not properly utilised for the benefit of the needy. There is lack of supervision by immediate hierarchy (Jabatan Agama).

At the university level for example UTP payment of claims by part-time lectures are 2 months behind time. Their staff get bonuses of up to 6months. So they think its their money!

At another university, UPM an existing dean has a khalwat case with a foreign graduate student. What kind of example are we going to show to the students?

If we read the papers there are so many hanky-panky going on in the country - customs, Tabung Haji, PKFZ ...

Formal education, religion, laws have not changed our attitudes. Greed and animalistic tendencies prevail to guard comfort zones.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Omega headache: Apr 11 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

The human genome has been mapped some years ago. We have DNA sample of a sex maniac. It may be possible to identify the genes for sex addiction (a disease), splice, tag and transfer them to dysfunctional male (chromosome). Lo and behold, we have transformed a mati pucuk to top motion order!

On the other hand if the sex maniac has to be cured, the sex-addiction genes could be deleted/modified and he becomes a GMO of normal sex urge!

The honourable thing for him to do is the Arifinto move, Indonesian MP who resigned just caught watching (tak berlakun pun) porno on his computer.

The aftermath of PPSMI policy: Apr 11 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

April 11, 2011 at 11:08 pm
When we have a strong leader people label him dictatorial out of ignorance, malice or nothing better to say (cakap terengkak2). A weak leader tends to look for leads and voices and pretend that he is strong in mind and decision making giving rise to confusion (as per LKY, durian buddy), with non-ending issues cropping up the rakyat has to battle.

To cover a mistake with a mistake make the situation worse. Politicians who are perennially ensconced have elitist-eskewed world view rather than proletarian sensitive. Their decisions reflect this. Why there was a vast gap in monetary campaign promises made during urban (Sibu) as compared to non-urban (Merlimau) by-elections? ETP is heavily Klang Valley biased. Efforts made seem to put wool over our eyes. At many instances and time proletariats are powerless.

Globalisation: Apr 6 2011

By al-Din on April 9, 2011 1:07 AM

Nation-states and people are becoming more interconnected in all facets of life - cultural, economic, political, technological, and environmental. That is globalisation in which transnational corporations (@40,000) and not nations are the major players.

In trade for example, they send us Coke, KFC etc we send them rubber products - condoms and gloves. Malaysia produces 60% of the world's supply of gloves. It may sound simplistic but when we open-up too much and too dependent on foreign trade and investments will erode our sovereignty. Sudden asset outflows by transnational corporations due to political or other reasons can bring a nation to its knees.

However good are the theories of globalisation in the end the weak cannot withstand the onslaught of the whims and fancies of those who define it. Each nation and people must strategize do whatever possible to be not heavily dependent on foreign sources for growth.

Planning for long term sustainability of food security in rice and alternative sources of energy are paramount. Visit this website for biofuel sources and modes of sustainable living.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Felda to harness the power of RE: Apr 10 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Biomass conversion to energy is one form of recycling energy from the sun. Seems that cost of RE conversion is not cheap. Perhaps felda pilot project on a mill before going full steam.

Price of oil is up due to protests in the Middle East. Interest in biofuel from jatropha for example can alleviate energy problem in developing countries.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Anda pernah penat begini? Bah 1: Apr 3 2011

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Hari ini saya penat begitu. Umur dah 62. Jam 7.30 pagi. Marah pd isteri kerana pinggang sakit tapi tak nak rehat. Terus pandu kereta pergi tanam jarak (jatropha) utk pagar dikawasan bekas lombong diteroka secara haram (apa peduli, kawasan itu penuh dengan kolam/tasik ikan haram Cina). Jam 10am baru makan roti canai minum air panas (jag cholestrol, dah 2 kali angioplasti). Beli pam akuarium (RM28) dan balik rumah. Mandi dan tidur.

Selepas dzuhor ambil tangki (plastik biru) ikan dikolam Lim. Pergi semula tanam jarak, kemudian menjala ikan tilapia ditasik lombong. Dalam perjalanan pulang 1 baldi berisi ikan hidup jatuh keatas jalan, 1 baldi lagi selamat. Masukan ikan dalam tangki tetapi banyak yang mati pulak. Peluh kuyup.

Mandi dan tidur. Tak sempat ke masjid utk magrib.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Iron ore: March 17 2011

By al-Din on March 21, 2011 10:01 PM

Perak goes berak. Teluk Rubiah, a cosy, tranquil cove not far from Setiawan has numerous delipidated 2 storey wooden bungalows and unkept golf course.

Millions had been spent on the project. What when wrong with the investment with no returns? What I guess is that it was meant to be an exclusive project for holiday niche for the rich. The flattened site for their holiday homes is now full of lalang.

Destined for its exclusiveness for the elites Tlk Rubiah was not promoted for public use and thus little income. On the other hand the elites would only go there at their whims and fancy.

The guard told me that such an idyllic place has been leased to a Brazillian company for an iron/steel mill. Even if his statement was wrong, Teluk Rubiah has been wronged!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

sound bytes - bersara: jan 14 2011

By al-Din on January 15, 2011 10:12 PM

Jihad itu begitu mudah. Sungguh menyeluruh. Manis. Berjihad tidak bersara. Berjihad adalah tuntutan Allah keatas manusia sebagai makhluknya.

Jihad bukan saja untuk diri sendiri atau keluarga bahkan untuk cekrawala alam - untuk bangsa, manusia baik muslim atau tidak, untuk yang bernyawa haiwan dan tumbuhan, semesta alam sekeliling air sungai-lautan, tanah gunung-ganang, udara bersih-nyaman , api suria-tenaga.

Hidup Tun penuh dengan jihad. Menjual di Pekan Rabu adalah jihad. Belajar menimba ilmu menjadi doktor adalah jihad. Berkeluarga dan mendidik anak2 adalah jihad. Bertugas di Langakawi adalah jihad.

Berpolitik dan menjadi PM selama 22 tahun adalah jihad yang tidak ada tolok bandingnya. Membuang pengkhianat2 negara adalah jihad. Menulis buku adalah jihad. Melawat dan memberi nasihat kapada negara2 Islam adalah jihad. Blog to unblock dan kungsi pengalaman-ilmu adalah jihad!

Tak dapat saya senaraikan jihad Tun. Hanya Allah yang lebih mengetahui. Teruskan berjihad Tun! Moga Allah panjangkan umur dan berkat kesihatan sekeluarga.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

adverts: jan 7 2011

By al-Din on January 8, 2011 2:13 PM

DearTun, Ever since you became the prime Minister I have always admire you and will always encourage my students at the universiteis that i have taught for almost 30 years (4 in all ) an I am now lecturing at Utp the prestigous university of the nation. Sad to say that the building is not been maintained especially the seminar rooms . Once a room that house some electrical things was flooded and no one noticed. I came to know when the room next to THE ONEi i was using could not function . After reports and more reports for nearly 1 month then came the maintenance. NeXt the contractors. This again delayed the whole process. I HOPE PEOPLE UP THERE SHOULD PRACTICE THE MANAGEMENT BY WALKING AROUND AND NOT JUST THE CHANCELLORY AREA.sORRY FOR SUCH TRIVIAL ISSUES BUT YOUR BLOG DISCUSSES EVERYTHING FROM ADVERT TO HIGHLY IMPORTANT THINGS. iT IS A REAL AVENUE FOR THE OLD AND YOUNG TO EXCHANGE IDEAS AND NOT BAD MOUTHING OTHERS. sTAY HEALTHY ANDMAY ALLAH BLESS YOU.

adverts: jan 7 2011

By al-Din on January 8, 2011 1:24 PM

In these days banners of all sorts and sizes can be machine-produced at relatively low costs and hence explains its popularity and insatiaty.

Definitely there is an urgent need to regulate adverts nationwide. Indeed, it is getting out of hand and becoming an eyesore and sometimes a manace in many instances. There should be no more experimenting be it the government, politicians or the Ah Longs!


'Sudah bayar cukai pintu!'
iklan menghantu
di penjuru
jalan siku

Masih membisu?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mumbai bridge: Jan 4 2011

By al-Din on January 5, 2011 12:10 AM

For some years now our chips are just not at the bargaining table. Our chips are down. As a result we lost the (Brunei) oil fields, Pulau Batu Putih, KTM land and the just being-constructed scenic bridge.

Tenang is not tenang. The ghost of altanthuya is still hovering around. People with bad records are placed in top positions - Risda, Felda, SPAD. Pro-Mahasiswa of Unisel is voicing the right thing. Let professionals run technical organisations. For example, the former VC of UPM could bring Felda to greater heights.

Years ago to cross the small river near my kampong house was by means of a timber-log bridge. The common belief especially told to children then was that a new bridge requires a sacrifice, a head. The headhunting is supposedly done by 'keling sabit potong kepala' who carries a gunnysack.

Perhaps, the scenic bridge can only be successfully built after the sacrificial top head rolls.