Friday, October 9, 2009

Che Det on Malaysian Industries - comment 2

By al-Din on October 8, 2009 4:07 PM

After "Buy British Last" and Look East" policies Dr Mahathir instituted "Malaysia Boleh" and "By 2020" to help further propel our industries. We realise the wisdom in Tun's step by step approach and timing of such strategies.

These days, the crafty big Napoleons are trying to dismantle the mechanisations already in the grind. Rhetorics is the name of the game. Everyday they make pronouncements - so much billions we have and so much billions of money coming in.

After failing to convince the majority of people here with 1Malaysia, Najib is going to convince the world with his 1World idea. This is a ploy to divert our attention and to curry favours with the West. The West named him Najibnomics. He has yet to get out from the shadows of his father!

The West is fond of naming names to meet their agenda - Mr Clean, Renaissance Man, Mahathirism.

Malaysia is harking the darkness.

Dalam keadaan Sang Matahari sentiasa merah marah dan bulan kegelitaan dengarlah Tak Naik (dengan izin Penyu Menangis, Utusan Melayu, 30 Julai 1986):


Malam ini
pokok hari gobor
suara guruh bertagur
di kaki langit timur
kilat gajah menyambar
awan mendung menutup jari
bulan mengambang tak jadi
bulan tak terbit
bulan tak naik
bulan jatuh di langit merah
bulan tenggelam di laut hitam.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Che Det on Hukum Allah - comment 1

By al-Din on October 6, 2009 12:55 AM

Dalam keadaan dunia Islam sekarang bertambah pincang dengan perbalahan atau huruhara dalam negara (Somalia,Palestine, Pakistan, Tunisia, Iraq ...)/antara negara (Indonesia-Malaysia?...).

Selain daripada itu, negara Islam dilaga-lagakan serta diburu oleh kuasa-kuasa kafirin menyebabkan kaum Muslimin tidak ada ketenangan untuk menjalankan hidupan harian apatah lagi mentelaah agama. Bilangan para ilmuan agama akan berkurangan.

Dalam suasana hidup serba kepapaan ekonomi, ketandusan ilmu dll. timbul kepalsuan dan penyalahan guna kuasa. Rakyat jelata mencakar-cakar untuk hidup hingga sanggup menggadai agama, dan apa-apa saja untuk sedikit keselesaan.

Pihak kafirin akan sengaja mengapi-apikan perbezaan antara Muslimin - Sunni-Shiah, Sunni-Ismaili, Sunni-Wahabi... Ada kalangan pemimpin negara terpaksa pula ikut telunjuk kuasa luar kerana terhutang budi, mahukan bantuan dll.

Tiada pihak lain yang dipersalahkan melainkan kaum Muslimin sendiri. Tidak bersatu, kedekut membantu antara satu sama lain atas rezeki Allah turunkan, pembaziran, salah pilih pucuk pimpinan, rasuah .... Allah turunkan bahana.

Tiap kebaikan Allah akan melipat gandakan balasannya. Berapa banyak Malaysia sedekah minyak kelapa sawit (banyak mengandungi vitamin E) kapada negara Afrika yang kebuluran?

Mengapa acap kali malapetaka menimpa di dalam atau luar negara kita tunggu kutip derma? Mengapa tidak serta-merta hulurkan sedikit daripada "Gunung Zakat" yang sepatutnya sudah menggunung tinggi dikutip sejak 600 tahun dahulu?

Sekiranya sistem pengagihan zakat-fitrah kapada khalayak yang perlu cekap, tidak ada fakir miskin di Malaysia ini!


Che Det on ISA - comment 2

By al-Din on September 29, 2009 11:24 PM



Che Det on ISA - comment 1

By al-Din on September 30, 2009 10:44 AM

The West favour pre-emptive strike. Kita dengan ISA memadai.

We should send the one who has destroyed the country to ISA to stop him walking around to further destroy the country.

We should send one who is deemed destroying the country to ISA to prevent catastrophe.

Najib is as smart as the destroyer. He named the most famous beachtown in Malaysia as Armytown. Rebranding exercise again such as Islam Hadhari!

Notwithstanding the blood, sweat and tears of our army (two of my siblings are in the army) who wants to visit an army town for relaxation? It is a misnomer for local and global tourism. Yet, Najib is talking and gearing towards globalisation! His synhcronisation is myopic.

This country is bankcrupt of money, ideas and leadership. Biar menang sorak, tak apa!

People who are drowning are desperate to cling onto anything even to the extend of bringing the country and everyone else down.

As a preventive before we are drowned in violence and turmoil use the ISA.